
Articles by John Iacovelli


Tarot Wheel of the Zodiac version 1.x Official


Update Notes and Revision History:

Scroll down for higher resolution downloads, PDF and source!

2019-10-09 v. 1.1.2: font changes for better legibility.

Miscellaneous update note: I am re-instituting the mandatory confirmation of email addresses for those that wish to register to download the “source” files. A “bad actor” has returned, and is submitting multiple phony addresses, most likely probing for a spam conduit, or to grab files. My sincere apologies for the inconvenience, and thanks for understanding.

Version update 1.1.01 2019-08-20 Fixes label for the Earth element under Capricorn. Another label had moved over it,

Version update 1.1 2019-08-01. Moves the four Aces 1 1/3 decans clockwise to align with the Julian months rather than the equinoxes/solstices. Thanks to Robert Seidel of the Facebook Tarot Professionals Group for pointing the way on that one.


This presents the official version 1.0 of our Tarot Wheel of the Zodiac. Rather than repeat myself too much, you’ll find the reasons and philosophical underpinnings for the project here. It is a Zodiac wheel which contains the planetary, elemental and qabalistic symbols, their Tarot “assignments,” and the divinatory meanings assigned them. I used the Golden Dawn’s set of meanings both because they are a major source for the Waite Colman Smith deck, and because they are not bound by copyright. The latter is important because if it’s useful to me, it’s useful to others, and this means anything I put together as part of this project can be “sharable.”

I offer it to all who think they may learn from it. It’s a Creative Commons Attribution license. That basically means you can use it as is, pretty much anywhere you want to without charge, so long as you attribute it to, and link here if you’re publishing on some web-based medium. Or better still… add your own contribution. I don’t mean changing a color or font here or there, I mean really contributing some thought and work. We can all profit by shared projects like this. I hope you’ll put your own work under a Creative Commmons license, too, but that will be up to you.

I also offer the “source” so that if there’s a part of it you disagree with, you can make their desired changes and create their own wheel. If you have Microsoft® Visio™ (I used 2016, but I think 2013 or later will do), then you can edit the Visio file. Even better, all the text you see, with the exception of the popups that appear over the shapes when you hover, is stored in a spreadsheet file. Update the spreadsheet, open the Visio file, press the “Refresh Data” button, and you’ve updated it with your own meanings.

If you don’t have Visio, you can edit the .SVG file, though of course, that means you’ll have to maintain your own .SVG file. That’s a scalable vector graphics file. You can edit it with Adobe Illustrator, or with Inkscape, which is a free and open source SVG editor availabe on several platforms. The “feature image” at the top of this post shows the .SVG file opened up in Inkscape, with the text for the Ten of Cups being edited.

I have put what I think is a reasonable limitation on the Visio source file and the spreadsheet file. You’ll have to register as a user at this site to download them (or log in if you previously registered and are not currently logged in). There is no cost, and I don’t track or anything like that; the privacy statement is linked at the top of the page.

The .SVG file, plus a PDF of the graphic (hint: SVG is better; Visio’s PDF export mechanism leaves a bit to be desired) are available to download without registration, below. Also, without registration, is a PDF documenting how to edit/customize the Visio source file, if you have Visio.

Enjoy. Be sure to drop a line to say how you’ve put it to use!

Finished Tarot Zodiac Wheel Files

These files are for general usage: to print out, look up things and general information on customization in case you’re thinking of it. click the button at the right of each to download.

“Source” Files

The zip file contains the Visio and Excel files for customizing, for those with a copy of Visio, plus the “customization” document. Note that you must register as a user at this site (at no cost or obligation). I have not placed my logo in these. I also haven’t updated for the latest font changes, but will do so if anything less minor is done to the files.

And for good measure, we “reprint” the scalable vector graphic below.

IsleVue Tarot-Zodiac-Element-Sephiroth Wheel of the Golden Dawn

Graphics credits (feature image/mashup:
Astronaut image by PIRO4D from Pixabay
Tarot coats of arms by Gerhard Gellinger from Pixabay

Copyright Information:
Creative Commons License 
This article’s content
by John Iacovelli, for is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

John Iacovelli

I have spent 30+ years in the computing industry. In it I've pretty much done everything from tech support for elderly people doing genealogy, to documenting compilers, to software evangelist, to direct mail guru, to CIO of an international corporation. And here I am, older and gray, getting interested in Tarot?

One thought on “Tarot Wheel of the Zodiac version 1.x Official

  • sophiena

    Thank you so much John for sharing 🙂

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